Gates Micro V
Gates K040510 Micro-V Serpentine Drive Belt Gates innovative EPDM Micro-V belts are trusted by countless automotive technicians due to their quiet performance, wear-resistant construction, and tightest GATES MICRO-V® - Industrial Belt DrivesGates Micro-V® belts ensure outstanding performance on any industrial multi-ribbed drive. They cover a multitude of industrial applications and are suitable
Automotive Micro-V Belts - GatesUsing some of the most advanced materials and manufacturing processes available, Gates Micro-V® Belts are engineered to outperform the competition.MICRO-V® The OE standard in multi-ribbed beltsThe Micro-V range stands for OE quality belts and includes 4 types – Micro-V, The Gates Micro-V® range includes 4 different belt types to ensure it
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- 2 mm
- -40 to 120 ºC